Japan’S Demand For Aluminum Cans To Hit New High in 2022

Japan's love of canned beverages shows no signs of abating, with demand for aluminum cans expected to hit a record high in 2022. The country's thirst for canned beverages will lead to an estimated demand of about 2.178 billion cans next year, according to figures released by the Japan Aluminum Can Recycling Association.

The forecast suggests a continuation of last year's plateau in aluminum can demand, as volumes in 2021 are on par with the previous year. Japan's canned sales have hovered around the 2 billion can mark for the past eight years, showing its unwavering love for canned beverages.

The reason behind this huge demand can be attributed to various factors. Convenience is paramount as aluminum cans are lightweight, portable and easy to recycle. They provide a practical solution for individuals who need a quick drink refill on the go. In addition, Japan's junior relationship culture has also contributed to the surge in demand. Lower-level employees have the habit of buying canned drinks for their superiors to show respect and appreciation

Soda and carbonated drinks are one particular industry that has seen a surge in popularity. With growing health awareness, many Japanese consumers are choosing carbonated beverages over sugary drinks. This shift towards healthier options has led to a boom in the market, further boosting the demand for aluminum cans.

The environmental aspect cannot be overlooked either, and the recycling rate of aluminum cans in Japan is commendable. Japan has a meticulous and efficient recycling system, and the Japan Aluminum Can Recycling Association actively encourages individuals to recycle empty cans. The association has set a goal of achieving a 100% recycling rate by 2025, reinforcing Japan's commitment to sustainable development.

Japan's aluminum can industry is ramping up production to meet an expected surge in demand. Major manufacturers such as Asahi and Kirin are expanding capacity and planning to build new production facilities. New technologies are also employed to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

However, ensuring a stable supply of aluminum remains a challenge. Global aluminum prices have been rising due to a combination of factors, including increased demand from other industries such as automotive and aerospace, as well as trade tensions between major aluminum producing countries. Japan needs to address these challenges to ensure a steady supply of aluminum cans for its domestic market.

All in all, the Japanese love of aluminum cans continues unabated. With demand expected to reach 2.178 billion cans in 2022, the country's beverage industry is bound to reach new heights. This steady demand reflects the convenience, cultural customs and environmental awareness of Japanese consumers. The aluminum can industry is bracing for this surge, but the challenge of securing a steady supply is looming. However, with its commitment to sustainable development, Japan is expected to maintain its leading position in the aluminum can market.

Post time: Jul-20-2023